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DAL Vote
Well, after the news that we have to vote again, I wrote the following
I spent a good amount of time today going over the list of the AERC
members who are seeking these 8 positions.
Both my wife went over and over the list.
We both voted based on the comments written by the candidates and what
knew about them.
We DID NOT come up with the same list.
I began looking at this process from two vantage points.
1- As a member of AERC
2- As a possible member of the BOD - in the event I was elected.
I asked, What would each candidate bring to the BOD. We made a manual
spread sheet of where each candidate stood on the issues, their position
AERC, riding status and region. I read the 'platform positions' from
all. Note that a few DO NOT address any real issues. Just politically
correct comments.
I asked, IF I was on the BOD, WHO would I be able to work with. I was
not concerned if we have the same position or opinion on all the issues
or that we
thought alike, but could we work together.
Could I respect and accept the opinion of the person(s). Would they be
open to my opinions. Could we listen to each other.
I looked for those that would work out differences with all the
directors to come to a negotiated agreement. To be able to set aside
their personal agenda. I really looked for some differences.
Differences of opinions will result in a better solution. We need A TEAM
to work
for the BEST solution for AERC.
I want those who will listen to all ideas. Not to force or strong arm
others into their way of thinking. I do not want someone who presented a
'my way only way' position.
The individual should to be able to state a position in a number of ways
that will be understood by all.
I do NOT believe it is ALWAYS in the best interest to vote for the
incumbent. Nor some who have years of experience either in the BOD or
within the sport. A member with many years on the BOD or many
years/miles of competition may not be open to new ideas. I do not
subscribe to the premise that says 'well, we always did it that way".
Is there anyone who may have a conflict of interest or personal issues
with the current BOD? That is, too close of a nexus with other
organizations or special interest groups.
I looked for a broad representation of all the AERC members. Those with
knowledge about rider issues in more then one region with a balance of
grassroots endurance as well as higher level competitions (NC and
I would look for a TEAM of players who can resolve issues, come to a
compromise solution based on, the past history, current situations and
the desired future. We need to select a balanced team. A team comprised
of solid previous directors, a core group of members from current
committees that have the understanding about how AERC is performing and
a few new members.
After considerable discussion, Carol and I came to the following
1. Two are from the old team BOD
2. Two are vets - the above - one local grass-roots, the other
experienced with FEI and International issues.
3. Four came from current committees, protest, bylaws, sponsorship, ride
4. Two are new, riders with fresh ideas.
A balanced team, knowledge about management of AERC, some with many
miles, academia, vets, ride managers, international experience, ALL
CURRENT riders.
I personally know everyone we voted for, I would have no problem serving
with them.
I of course ask for your support. I will do my best to help guide AERC
over the next two years.
I also understand what it takes to step up and offer to serve. I
presented not just the 'PC' rhetoric, but my position on a few major
issues. Some of the others did not. I realize MY opinions may not be
with yours, but I made my position public. When a canidate comments on
significant issues, we open ourselves up for censure and attack. The
helmet issue was one, I received calls on that one.
The other issue NOT mentioned was minimum age for Junior Riders. An
issue I am sure the new BOD will address.
I share with you my first 'trial by flaming post card' from a rider from
Spokane WA. "Re AERC Election. You may win. But your misguided
affiliation with the Blue Ribbon Coalition (ugh !!!!) cost you one vote.
That group would like to roar over every vestige of naturalness left in
America" NO NAME
(NO GUTS either)
I will keep this one.
Rebuttal; this person does NOT understand the agenda of the BRC. I know
MR. Jack Welch personally (Pres) No ONE is more understanding of OUR
collective problems with well managed open use of OUR public lands. They
are a powerful voice with Congress. Much stronger then ANY and ALL
EQUINE trail access/user groups. I will align with those who will help
keep trails open for ALL. We need large lobbies.
After the election- if the current policies remain in force ( NO
USE-BEST USE) I think we will see very few open places to ride.
A not so PC statement.
Roger Rittenhouse #8263
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