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Re: RC: re: shaky mare
>Nikki Reynolds jakar@phonewave.net
>I was hoping by now that someone would come up with the name of this
>condition and an explanation. My gelding and I had done a ride in
>early fall after a rainstorm in CA and when we got to the vet check
>at lunch, my horse was shivering and most of the others weren't.
>Now, I DO have a problem with him getting cold very easily, even
>while just out in pasture. I was unsure at the ride whether or not
>he was just cold or whether I'd let him go too fast. The vet had a
>$16 name for the condition... muscular somethingorother. I've
>forgotten the term he used.
>Anyway, I told him I thought Jakar was simply cold because he'd been
>standing in the shade in the vetline (no choice) and our weather at
>home was still in the high 90's, whereas at this ride, it was much
>colder and breezy. The vet said to blanket him and if the shivering
>stopped right away,(which it did) then he was just cold. If the
>quivering continued or was confined to just a part of his body, then
>it was this other thing. Now I'm curious about what this is, the
>metabolic cause, prevention, etc. I've seen other horses with only
>their butt muscles or shoulder muscles quivering and I'm assuming
>this is what that vet was referring to. Vets... can you help us out
>here please? I'd like to know so I can tell the difference and
>whether my horse does have a problem with this.
Ember did that after Caspers, shoulder quivering. Once she was
completely warm, it stopped and hasn't recurred.
I thought she was just very tired, and cold. We used an anti-sweat
under a cooler, then switched to a dry day sheet for the trailer ride
home. She was fine by the time we got home, about an hour.
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