Hi. My horse had the Equine Herpes last year in the Spring. There is no vaccine for it. Her symptoms were her nose was runny but clear, her eyes leaked and left stains (she was white) and her whole left side of her body was sore including her neck, her poll and her chest. I had the darndest time over a period of several months finding out what was wrong with her. Finally, an equine acupuncturist, chiropractor horse Dr. figured it out. Seems it's really a popular virus. Contacted thru the air. He did acupuncture to ease the pain. Lasted almost 2 weeks then did it again. He gave me some pure L-lysine (not real expensive) powder for her grain and I did injections of Equinacea and some other herbal med. in her butt, once every 2 days. Got real good at giving injections. Then I put her on something called Herbal-Mune from the Mike Uckele line of horse herbal products. All that got her well. Any horse that gets that!
most likely has a weakened immune system. The Herbal-Mune is available in 6 lb. containers or 3#. I know she didn't get the respiratory version because she never coughed and she didn't get the neurological version either. She was ok afterwards.