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Incredible Horse Bible!

Hey campers!!
Just back from the D.C. International Horse S*** (me, I just massage
them... - it's a hunter/jumper show.

NOW, this is why I am posting ya'll ..... there's a book I purchased
there that is probably THE best equine anatomy book ever done - not
cheap, but, oh well.  The illustrator was there working on more future
charts and books.  It's already being used by equine vet schools - it's
about $80.00 and has won many awards.  Let me tell you, it is nothing but
photos and medical illlustrations of muscular/skelatal "stuff".  There's
another one about internal organs and also wall charts.

Okay, okay, the title is, "Illustrated Atlas of Clinical Equine Anatomy
and Common Disorders of the Horse", Vol. One: Musculoskeletal System &
Lameness Disorders.
Ronald J. Riegel, D.V.M. and Susan E. Hakola, B.S., R.N., D.M.I. (a
retired nurse who is the illustrator).  Published by Equistar
Publications, Ltd.  By the way -- it is written in LAYMAN'S language, and
is full-color spectrum illustratrations on a spiral notebook.
Susan G. - do you read me??  (and all us lowly others!).  Cost Sue and
her husband a half million to publish - said it would have been ~ $130.00
if one of the equine published had gained the publishing rights to it. 
How to get it?  Call 800-440-8064 or 937-642-1055 OR

I am not on commission or anything.  Just thought this is THE book for
ALL horse people to own.

All for now --- Oh the show had the Canadian Mtd. Police doing their
musical thing - beautiful.

Signing off,  Karen in PA

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