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Re: RC: Bitting Question - Trail vs Dressage Usage
Truman Prevatt, PhD wrote:
> Can't you show in dressage with a snaffle with a solid mouth piece?
Yes, you can. I use a mullen mouthed egg butt snaffle, but I've had
less-than-stellar results with that on gaited horses. For that matter,
though, are you showing dressage with a TWH? I've never found a horse
who wasn't comfortable with it, but I know 2 gaited standardbreds (out
of 2) who hang on it for support. I don't know how a TWH would handle
I'm also having excellent results in general with a french link snaffle
(sometimes referred to on RC as a 3-piece snaffle) - got a perfectly
suitable one last year from Dover Saddlery for $28. You might try a
Baucher, which has a small amount of leverage over the poll, but
essentially a direct pressure applies on the bars & tongue.
As far as switching bits, most horses get the idea that you're doing
different things with different bits. OTOH, I think I'd wait on the
kimberwicke until I had the horse moving the way I want in a snaffle,
but that's my classical training showing ...
* * *
Abby Bloxsom
ARICP Certified Instructor
Level III Recreational and Distance Riding
Colebrook, CT USA
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