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Where to start out in SoCal?

Hi all,

I'm new here.  I signed on to become more familiar with
endurance riding.

I have a 9 year old Polish Arabian mare that I think would
really excel at endurance, and have been told the same thing
by a couple of trainers, one of which has completed Tevis
three times.

Anyway, I don't know where to start!  I'm completely new to
this, and I guess I'm hoping to find a mentor, or at least a
barn with other endurance riders somewhat near me, so I
could learn from them and ride with them.  I live in
Southern California, Santa Clarita Valley to be exact.  I
work in the east San Fernando Valley, and my horse is
currently boarded in the Sunland/Tujunga area.  Any of these
areas would be great, or anywhere within a 30-40 mile

The time has just changed and it's dark early, and I work
full time, so I'm probably looking at spring before I can
really get into this stuff seriously, but would like to
start making some connections as soon as I can.

As I said, I think my mare would really do well at this (not
sure about me yet!) and I think it's time I gave her a job
that she can naturally excel at - Western Pleasure is just
not her bag - been there done that.  This mare wants to go!
And never seems to wear out!

Any contacts, or barn recommendations would be really
appreciated by this *real* newbie!

Jennifer and Mahriah

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