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Competition in Slovakia

Eva Markova
I live in Slovakia and I did my first 40 km (25miles) in September. I met endurance riders only on Ridecamp (Net) before that (there is no one in a part of country where I live) and so I was "surprised" about some things on this competition. There was three lenghts: 40km, 60 km, 80km (50 miles). The longest ride was canceled, because there was only one entry (!). There were 6 entries on 60 km (37 miles) and average speed on this ride was 27 km/h (17 miles/h)! I plan to attend conference of our national Commitee of endurance riding and say that way is not good to develop our sport. It is only my opinion, I'll be glad if I will hear some opinions of riders from another countries. 
                                                            Eva Markova

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