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Re: RC: Barefoot Performance Horses

> All horses do not have one "natural" shape of foot any more than all
> people do.
> Let you horse tell you what its natural foot is.
As a general rule, I'm in agreement with this statement, but I do
believe it's important to recognize that with a horse who's worn shoes
for a number of years, or an older horse, you can't just "pull his shoes
and let him go barefoot".

First, simply wearing shoes will change the way the hoof grows and
develops over time, often (maybe I could say usually?) creating changes
in the hoof capsule that will be self-perpetuating.  The extent to which
these changes are incompatible with the individual's natural hoof
depends largely on the capability and intuition of the person doing the

In addition, lack of hard use and appropriate turnout conditions will
cause changes that can mess up the natural hoof's development.

Finally, there are age-, soundness-, and metabolism-related conditions
that can drastically effect the horn development in different areas of
the hoof, making the truly "natural" bare foot almost impossible to

-Abby B

* * *
Abby Bloxsom
ARICP Certified Instructor
Level III Recreational and Distance Riding
Colebrook, CT USA

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