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Re: Equine attorneys, horse purchase
I am a little amazed at this discussion after rereading the original post
about this horse. This horse tied up one time at the race track prior to
this purchase. That tie up was some time past and there had not been a
reoccurance. Now the seller may want to refund the money based on customer
relations, whatever, but legal recourse because she didn't disclose this one
time occurance amazes me. She sold a horse that I assume was looked at,
tried out etc. before this recent purchase.
Based on Dabney's (hi Dabney) comments, I guess if I ever sell a horse
in the future (which is rare) I better disclose every cold, temperature,
injury, scratch, colic, tie up, lameness, pull at a ride etc the horse ever
had. Because if I don't and the horse ever gets pulled at another ride, or
gets a cold, or whatever, I could be sued for not disclosing it??
I am not argueing against blatant cover ups, but a one time occurance in
the past doesn't seem so relevant to me. And I am not trying to be
insensative to Judy's problem. Just another thought.
Jim Mitchell, who has 2700 miles on a horse that tied up twice. (but never
at a Endurance ride)
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