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RE: Re: Re: Barefoot Performance Horses

<<Am I completely off base here, what are other's thoughts on why a shod
can plow over rocks thicker than the thickness of a horseshoe without
apparent discomfort?>>

I would prefer to keep my horses barefoot and I am doing what I can toward
that end for next season.  But regardless of whether they are eventually
shod or not, they will spend some time on some level of rocky trail just to
learn how to pick up their feet and think about where they put them down.

My husband's gelding and mom's mare are careful whether they have shoes or
not.  My mare tends to just move her feet and not care.  A few barefoot
training rides made all the difference.  My 4 yr old that was just started
tended to stumble and just get through things.  Going barefoot made a world
of difference.


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