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Summary of Midyear Board Meeting (sort of)
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From: renegade12@juno.com
Date: Mon, 23 Oct 2000 08:45:33 -0600
Two of the longest Board meetings in recent memory...we had a monumental
amount of business to address and we spent an enormous amount of time
going over these items. For the most part, our Committee Chairs were
very prepared and presented their positions well. I will try to
summarize what I can recall, but remember there was much more work done
than I can remember. A final draft will appear in soon in Endurance
News. The following is not a final approved version, but is a summary of
what I recall.
Friday we got a late start to allow for all Directors to be present as
Revision was the major topic.
1) First item of business was to install John Parke as the replacement
Director for the PSW Region - Mike Tomlinson moved to KY and John was the
choice of fellow PSW Director, Terry Woolley Howe. Passed.
2) The Bylaws Committee Chair, Steve Rutter (assisted on this committee
by Courtney Hart and John Parke) - A motion to go into a "Committee of
the Whole" which allows the entire Board to become a committee was
proposed, seconded and passed - Steve and his fellow committee members
did an extensive research and compilation of Bylaws review. Our current
Bylaws are often in violation of CA Corp Law (CCL)and those articles were
addressed, other items such as membership categories were better defined,
term limits were discussed but the Board did not approve that addition,
defined number of Directors was suggested to be in accord with CCL,
discussion of the need to have an article on the Ex Dir was discussed, if
it would be acceptable to allow the Board to amend the Bylaws in the
future (turned down), to better define what the officers responsibilities
are, to allow for the Treasurer and Sect to be voted on or appointed from
outside the Board (most of the time the Board does not actually have
anyone qualified to be a Treasurer and the Sect requires full attention
to taking notes and watching the tape recorder which takes that persons
attention from what is being discussed, etc etc.
It was decided that Steve would revise the proposed Bylaws and then send
the form to the Board for additional comments before going to the
Membership for their opinions.
3) Vet Committee- Duane Barnett (Chair) discussed rides with inadequate
Vets - lacked proper knowledge on how to vet a ride and/or check horses
at a ride (a problem that is not large, but needs to be addressed)
reported on the number of Drug Tests to date (no positives), and
discussed the need for some type of certification for our Vets.
4) Ex Director Search Committee - Dean Jackson (Chair) reported on the
work of this committee in determining the current needs, job description,
salary requirements to hire a new Professional ED, the cost of the
search, etc. He reported that the AERC Office is more efficient in its
work, more member friendly, and AERC is getting the best overall service
in recent memory. The Board generally agreed with this. There was
discussion, and motions that were out of order and not considered at that
time, to consider, interview, and hire Kathleen Henkel (current acting
ED) as the full time ED. Dean asked that his committee final report be
reconsidered at a later date in the meeting. Later, on Sat, the Board
went into an executive session, and the results were that Dean was
instructed (along with Vicki Rutter and Randy Eiland) to interview and
hire Kathleen as the full time ED. That was done.
5) Convention Committee- Susan Kasemeyer, Chair, reported that she,
Duane Barnett, and Kathleen were moving along towards finalizing the
needs of AERC at Convention..Speakers were being considered, trade show
was ahead of last year on sign ups, etc. Kathleen has been to Reno to
meet with the Silver Legacy Hotel to firm things up - earliest meeting in
many years. Looks good.
6) National Office Report. Kathleen Henkel reported that morale is
excellent, DAL Ballots are in the mail as of the end of last week,
suggested items to improve office efficiency, etc.
7) Treasurer/Finance Comm Report - Vicki Rutter, Treasurer, reported
that we have $187,903.42 total in Checking/Savings. Total assets of
$243,689.04, went into detail on P&L to date 9/30/00 comparing Budget to
Actual...Income budgeted for entire year was $535,400.00 actual to date
is $625,499.51. Expenses budgeted for entire year was $501,150.00 and
actual to date is $517,288.64. NET INCOME budget for entire year was
$13,590.00 and actual to date is $90,085.91. We look very good but we
still have Oct and Nov to include and there are more expenses than income
in those two months. We approved the Budget for 2001 and a Capital
Budget Expenditure of $25,000.00 to complete the new computer program
started by Sacramento State College...they completed approximately 75% of
the program but the class project will end without final completion. The
person who is graduating and has headed the project proposed the
completion and price. The Board voted to instruct the Tech Comm and
Legal Comm to negotiate with the individual a contract to pay as it is
produced. Expenditure of app $8,700.00 for three new work stations
(computer, monitor and NT software) was approved subject to acceptable
new computer program.
8) Trails Comm - Jerry Fruth, Chair, reported on TC successes which are
many. This has been the most active TC in recent memory and has
accomplished many things, including the renewed relationship with the
American Horse Council which will add a person whose sole job is to lobby
for trails. Jerry, with help, is forming a separate 501C3 corp which
will work on trails and be arms length from AERC to allow for things that
AERC can not do without violating its own 501C3.
9) P&G - John Parke, Chair, reported that they have had 8 (I think)
protests this year and he has mediated one that was against the Tevis and
that protest was withdrawn upon agreement and promises made by Tevis.
John is going to propose some revision of the rules on protests to make
them more consistent and to allow for better mediation when possible.
10) Ed Comm - Maggy Price, Chair, reported the comm. is nearly ready to
go to print on the newly revised Rider Handbook. She reported on various
articles on safety and ed that will appear in the EN.
11) International & International Ad Hoc - Mike Foss, Chair reported on
both committees. The Ad Hoc suggested the elimination of the $10.00 fee
for Int membership. He expressed that Int would not be able to define
who their membership was for voting, etc, without the fee and I suggested
that the entire AERC Membership should be considered as part of the AERC
Int since they are a committee of AERC. The Selection process was
discussed and the committee had voted by majority to change from the
current process to a points and/or head to head competition format..Mike
was on record as opposing this. Mike then described how international
riding etc worked.
12) Umbrella Comm - Carlos Crespo (Chair) and Terre O presented a
proposal for reciprocity with Canada..this was remanded to committee for
more information.
13) JR Comm- Roger Taylor (chair) reported that the comm wished to
develop a brochure for juniors, and suggested a reduced membership fee
for jrs whose parents or guardians are not AERC members and have no
interest in AERC..fee to be $35.00 passed.
14) Awards Comm - Dean Jackson reported that all is well and showed an
example of the regional awards for this year.
15) Sponsorship Comm - Randy Eiland reported that all previous sponsors
are renewing except for NHSF. He and Kevin Waters have several new
sponsors in the working
stage of negotiation.
16) Competition Comm - Terry Woolley Howe, Chair, reported on the
National Championships and how it is proceeding for 2001..Connie Caudill,
2001 NC RM, added to the report. A toddler rule was discussed but no
action was taken as it does not seem to be a widespread problem and is
best handled by RM's with current rules.
17) Rules Comm - Vonita Bowers, Chair, discussed the newly revised Rule
Book that will be going out to the membership with membership renewals.
18) Tech Comm, Steph Teeter Chair, reported on the tech comm, its review
of the new computer program from Sac State Coll and their opinion that it
was our best option and appeared to be the best deal for AERC...we have
gotten about $50,000+ in work for free and the balance to be paid as a
private industry fee was a real value..provisions will be put in place to
insure that AERC gets an acceptable final product on the computer
There was much more that was discussed, motions made and passed, but that
will have to wait for the final approved draft which should be ready very
Randy Eiland
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