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Uneven legs and Numbness

Hi Joanne; I read your post and was really amazed 'cause I've had a lot of 
the same problems, and I also cannot take Aspirin or Ibuprofen for pain.  
When I ride for over 3 hours-that seems to be the breaking point, I get pain 
in the knees and numb feet. I went to a friend who is an excellent 
Orthopedic surgeon, and he took one look at my legs and said 
"Chondromalacia". My kneecaps are attached crooked,(congenital, and very 
common) and when I keep my leg flexed for a long period, the leg is trying 
to align itself and becomes painful. His daughter has it too, and is 
uncomfortable when playing Tennis or teaching Aerobics. Any activity that 
involves flexion of the knees. It can't be fixed. The best bet for me has 
been the padded endurance stirrups, Running shoes (I can't tolerate my 
Ariat's for more than three hours) and I get off the horse and move around 
before three hours. That's when I have trouble with NATRC, 'cause we can't 
walk to make forward motion, but in endurance it works fine.  Arnica, 
Glucosamine and exercise all helped. It seems to help to take my feet out of 
the stirrups occasionally and do "range of Motion" with my legs and ankles. 
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