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Re: RC: Managing Voluteers at a Ride
Getting volunteers the first time may not be all that difficult - having them
volunteer again for more rides depends on how well the whole event is
managed. A lot of riders appreciate the volunteers - many take volunteers
for granted. Yes, actually some riders treat volunteers like poor hired
help. I'd just like to remind riders that their rides may not be quite the
fun they are without good hearted volunteers. A little appreciation can go a
long way.
Hint to ride managers: you can help volunteers to have a good experience
in many ways. Make sure, for example, you order enough food to not only feed
the riders but also your volunteers. The helpers work their butts off, and
get hungry, too.
At a recent ride, the volunteers were told (by a rider) to get to the end
of the chow line. There wasn't going to be enough for everyone, and the
riders did pay, after all, this rider told me. I understand the logic of
this, but as hungry volunteers who work hard at rides, the group of us
nearly went of strike.
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