age to start riding/conditioning
Teresa Van Hove tvanhove@uswest.net
Kristi wrote >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>.
IF everything else was equal (conformation, attitude, etc etc),
which Arabain gelding would you choose for endurance: 1. 4 yoa
that has been ridden on trail for 1 1/2 years, sometimes at a pretty fast
trot, but ridden without a "true" conditioning base or 2. 8 yoa that wasn't
ridden until age 5, and has only been ridden around bareback, mostly
at a walk, since then - no human-initiated conditioning at all, but
does reside in a hilly pasture.... Thanks for any input...Kristi
Hmmm- I'd probably go with the 8 yr old, but I'd like to ask the
group their opinions on when to start arabs intended for endurance.
I've got a 3 yr old (apr) mare who seems to be getting a bit bored -
she does not have a large pasture with many horses - just about 5
acres, 16/7 access, confined to large paddock overnight, runs with
my endurance gelding and has other horses "over the fence." I was
going to have her started very soon but she popped a splint a few weeks
ago so she waits at least 6 wks more now. I am not very into ground
work so I wanted to start her under saddle so I could take her out
1 to 3 times a week for short rides, and start riding her this summer
up to 10 or 15 miles (slow) but am now wondering if it would be better
to wait. Ideally I suppose I should break her to drive so I could
start some conditioning w/o weight on her back, but I don't know
that I'll do that -seems like the chance of a wreck is way higher
when you ask them to pull something, and I don't have any experience
teaching a horse to drive.
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