RE: The Russian horse's pulse rate and recovery numbers
Subject: RC: The Russian horse's pulse rate and recovery numbers
Have any of you ever heard of this???? It was on another list ( I hope
it's okay to forward it) & I wondered if anyone knew anything on this vein.
Thanks..... carol
sbmarino@aol.com wrote:
* According to Andrea Stercken, a German endurance authority:
"Many Russian horses have normal pulse rates from 25 to 30, which after
work falls immediately from 100 to 40. This is an ideal metabolic
for an endurance horse, which cannot be achieved in other horses even after
long �term training."
Hi all,
I didn't answer to this on the other list ;-), but I like to say that I have
never heard of Andrea Stercken within the past 12 years (since I am involved
into endurance) here in Germany. If she is an endurance authority, I am sure
to have noticed her.
About the horses: Those are Akhal-Teks, not often seen in endurance. We had
one rider 10 years ago with a few of them. He told me that their HR's went
up to 240 (?) in training and that they show the drop described above.
I have only seen one Akhal-Tek at an international championhsip, it was in
1992 at the WEC in Barcelone/Spain. It was a horrible thin horse which did
finish the race but died on the way back home.
For those of you interested in this breed, just take a look at
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