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Fw: Still more on 3-year-old rider

Asked me to forward my repaly to her post so here goes.
I will not post about this agian.

>If you haven't been ask to forward your post about this to AERA please
>I agree with you all the way. All this we are great horse people we know he
>can do it stuff is ego based it saddens me.
>I hope that this is really looked at.
>If not by the AERA by the regional associations.
>There is no and I mean no reason for a toddler to be out there other then
>the parents ego.
>I asked a insurance agent who was at my saddle club meeting last night if
>his company would insure a endurance ride with toddlers riding . His asked
>me "who in the h*** put their baby on a horse on a trail like that?  Are
>they nuts?" I said "no just full of them selves IMHO. " He said" well they
>keep that up they will not be getting any insurance and  we all know that
>means no rides."
>Tami( who doesn't know it all)

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