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Re: RC: Re: Re: Re: re: worlds youngest rider

In a message dated 10/10/00 7:58:01 PM Pacific Daylight Time, writes:

<< Neither would I send my child out on any kind of expedition that common 
 >sense told me was
 >above their ability to handle i something should go wrong.
 With all due respect, San, aren't you making a rather large assumption 
 about this child, this family, this horse, this situation?  Lif
No I don't. In fact, having no knowledge at all of this family, I consider a 
MOST objective opinion - nothing to gain or lose by simply stating that what 
they did was risky at lest - and let's not even GO to what would be worst. 
the assumption that it was a risky thing to do obviously is not my opinion 
alone. This choice was to what end? No, with all due respect Lif, I really 
lie and respect you - but not the parents of this young cavalier. He could 
have been killed, maimed, paraplegic - and THAT would have made headlines, 
too. I think it is sad.

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