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Re: Re: helmets

Hi guys!  I have never worn a helmet in my life until I started boarding at the stable I'm at now.  We ride on a lot of roads and come in contact with major construction and cars and lots of other super dangerous stuff.  I trust my horse and I trust me....but the vehicles we meet up with scare me.  We had a truck come to a sliding stop about 20ft from us last year.  I saw my life pass before my eyes.  Anyway...point being...I'm actually happy to read the flame war over this subject (doesn't seem like there has been a mere "discussion" over anything since I came to this list LOL) because I've considered abandoning the helmet when I move.  I really do hate it.  For all the reasons Annie mentioned plus I don't like anything on my head...not even a floppy hat or a ponytail.  Although I will admit that, not unlike my seatbelt, I'm getting used to the blasted thing.  LOL  Anyway...flame away at each other...this is one thread I won't be deleting.  I'm here for the persuading.  ;o)
Oh...happy birthday to my horse, happy birthday to my horse...happy birthday beloved, sweet, faithful RANGER...happy birthday to my horse.  He's 4 now.
infinitum. I suspect that the recent death of a wonderful woman endurance rider who failed to wear her helmet only on the fatal day of her accident will ignite discussion again.

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