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Re: RC: Re: Re: RE: worlds youngest rider

In a message dated 10/09/2000 9:41:11 PM Pacific Daylight Time, writes:

<< I HAVE seen situations where the
 kids seems to be bullied into riding......
 seems a general rule would be a idea, just as other AERC rules. >>

I agree with the first part of your statement, but as for the latter 
part....unless the situation becomes an epidemic, or unless it is threatening 
the overall integrity of the sport, I'd leave it alone.  AERC doesn't need 
another rule that applies to one child, who is not threatening the outcome of 
the yearly point standings.  This is a family decision, and I doubt that 
allowing a 3 year old to ride a LD ride is posing much of a threat to the 
sport.  Now, if the child became seriously injured and the Lewises blamed it 
on AERC, it would create a different situation, but knowing the Lewises, I'm 
quite sure they are taking care of their own child and their own 
responsibility for his safety.  How many people do we know who teach their 
toddlers to swim?  That's very dangerous, too, but we consider it a safety 
measure to teach children early in their lives how to handle themselves in 
the water. The same could be said for having a child learn how to ride early, 
if he can handle it, and if he can ride a LD ride happily, more power to him. 
 Some children don't want to ride that young, or just aren't ready for it.


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