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Club Feet
"Club Foot" came up in a recent message and I thought I'd share something. I
have a mare with a club foot, 5 yrs old, foot looks pretty bad and I want to
do endurance so before she arrived I asked you guys and I was told not to
worry some top horses have had club feet including a hall of fame horse.
Someone did however (cannot remember who) mention that I visit a farrier
site for more info well I went there and found out the following, most club
footed horses display the following:
1. club foot always slightly behind good foot when standing.
2. does not like to lead on the club foot.
3. shoulder on good side often more developed.
4. if shape of club foot is till very upright compared to good foot
(especially if good foot has a drooped heel) horse will have an uneven gate
(not necessarily lame).
So I went home and checked out my mare:
1. she stand perfectly square at all times.
2. she lead (flying changes and all) equally on both feet, if anything more
so on the club foot.
3. both shoulders are equally formed.
4. worked in a perfectly smooth gate.
So know I wonder if I should follow the advice on the site and start
fiddling with the foot or should I leave it as it is?
Celeste (South Africa)
Moonie (thats why they call it a club foot mom, easy to beat up the
competition on rides :-))
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