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Re: RC: What an earths happened here

At 01:44 PM 10/9/00, Tamara Jane Habberley wrote:
and wheres everyone go, Ti , Lif, Tom, the women who owns weaver, sharon saare, the girl ( Renatta) who was keen as mustard and could only afford a wintec, and all the ones who used to post endurance relevant articles and comments?

Well I am very honored to be put in such a select group of posters to RC - but what scares me is that I thought I have been posting all along.  So.... either my posts lately have been worth so much horse pucky and therefore have been forgettable, or maybe I have finally lost my mind and just *thought* I was posting?   Or - and here's a scary thought - someone has been intercepting my emails to RC and reading them for nefarious reasons.  Probably an alien.  Heck, Paul and I live pretty close to Roswell these days, relatively speaking.  Lif

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