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Re: RC: Fwd: RC: Lassen Challenge Ride

In a message dated 10/03/2000 5:12:17 PM Pacific Daylight Time, writes:

<< How much time has to pass before you sanction a ride 
 that has been requested? >>

I usually process requests within 2 weeks, sometimes sooner, sometimes the 
next day.  It depends on what else is going on in my life.

<<Yes we need new rides, but I think 
the 150 rule should be enforced. >>

This is not a rule, but a policy of courtesy and consideration I have adopted 
for the west region.  Perhaps other sanctioning directors do the same; I 
really am not sure.

<<If a RM knows there might be a problem 
putting on a ride in their area shouldn't they find out as soon as they 
decide to put on a ride what the problems are and not wait and "hope" they 
get their date?>>

Sandi's ride had been sanctioned on 2-29-00 and her date was already in place 
when the other ride mgr. asked for the same date.  I did not want to give the 
second RM the same date, but she said it was only date she could get from the 
Forest Service.  Her ride was sanctioned on 4-11-00.  I'm baffled by what 
Sandi is saying.  I've always worked to secure a date for her as close to the 
date she wanted as possible, always trying to avoid conflicts with other 
rides.  This year it wasn't possible.  I'm sorry she feels she has been given 
the "run around for years".

<< And yes, we did just lose a ride.  A couple I think.>>

Yes, one of them was ours, the one we have been managing for 25 years.  We 
just needed some time to ourselves so we could ride our own horses and 
compete a little, as well.


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