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Re: RC: Are steriods illegal in AERC?

When I took my horse to the vet for hock problems he told me that they 
administer a corticosteroid into the hock joint for two reasons: 
    1.  As an anti-inflammatory
    2.  Because it causes the joint to fuse faster by damaging/destroying the 
                 cartilage.  It is used as a treatment for 
arthritis/inflammation in the two lower          hock joints, which have very 
little movement, just enough to cause pain if            they get inflamed.  

Once the joints are fused, there is no further pain to the horse, and it's 
movement is not significantly affected.  So it is actually considered a cure 
for the problem.  The main reason I haven't yet had it done to my horse is 
that my vet advised me to just go ahead and ride her normally, and give Bute 
if she is uncomfortable.  I just started riding her again, and she hasn't 
been sore.  Also, neither I nor the vet is really looking forward to sticking 
a needle in this particular horse for any reason.

jeri and fog (I heard you pop the little needle protector thingy off--I'm 
outta here!)

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