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Re: RC: Why two close rides on the same weekend?
In a message dated 10/02/2000 10:53:07 AM Pacific Daylight Time,
guest@endurance.net writes:
<< The logistics of putting on a ride are tough enough without having to
compete with another ride on the same date. Isn't there someway to prevent
this problem? I thought AERC had a rule the prevents rides held in close
proximity fr!
om being held on the same date. Seems to me it would be better for all RMs
if their rides didn't have to compete with others. >>
This is quite true, but as sanctioning director for the west region with
complete responsibility for scheduling rides, I can tell you it is a very
difficult job. What would you say if the job were yours? A RM asks for a
date, you offer him/her several options, but he/she tells you that there is
only one date that he/she can get the campground for staging the ride. It's
a public campground and that's the only date the state (or whatever agency)
will let you have. Would you tell him/her that he/she cannot put on the ride
at all? I try to keep rides at least 150 miles apart, but that is becoming
more difficult as more RMs want dates for new rides.
Think these questions over carefully, imagine you are on the "hot seat" and
the one person with the complete responsibility, imagine that you are the one
people are going to gripe to, and then e-mail me your decision, were you that
person. I had a call today from another rider who felt the same as you, we
discussed the matter, and due to some rearranging by RMs for their next
year's dates, Sandi can have a good choice of dates in September. I will do
my darndest to avoid this conflict again. People often say, "Why doesn't
AERC do something about this problem?" Well, it isn't AERC's responsibility,
it's MINE, and I will say that it is a difficult job because I cannot please
everyone all of the time. And there are not enough weekends in the summer
and fall months to satisfy all the rides on the calendar without some
doubling up. I've even had an occasional RM who wants no ride taking place
either the weekend before, or the weekend after, his/her ride. Sorry, it
can't be done.
Barbara McCrary
P.S. I really think this is more of a west region phenomenon. In other
regions, I think they would be glad to have so many rides. Many riders have
to trailer several hundred miles to get to ANY ride.
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