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Re: Ponying more than one at a time...

Hi All!

In retrospect, I should have been more specific.  A couple of you have hit on 
this already... For my situation I would be looking to go at speeds, or at 
least at a trot.. and I would only be in relatively "safe" 
environment/grounds, like an open pasture... the purpose would be to 
condition or get exercise to several horses at the same time, because I am 
quite limited in the amount of time I can spend with them and turnout here is 
virtually non-existant.  So IF I could reasonably safely pony more than one 
at a time I could get them all out a little more often... and I'm not in a 
situation where I'd have to  worry about the problems added in difficult 
terrain -- no trees to dodge, no  big uphill or downhill slopes 
(unfortunately!).... no need to go single file.  Biggest problem would be to 
get the "train" thru a 6 or 8 foot gate to start with  -Ok, maybe there'll be 
a cow or two to dodge but thats about it for terrain problems!!  
But I DO want to be able to at least trot...  Thanks so much for all the 
replies so far, you've given me some good ideas already.  And its fascinating 
to know how much pack trains are still being done!

Desert Springs Sport Horses
(best viewed in explorer 4.x or newer)

In a message dated 10/2/00 8:58:49 AM, 

<< I'll just bet there are some crazy folks out there who have figured
out how to do it, at high speeds, with more that one endurance horse! >>>>

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