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Cushings Disease and Thyroid
Eclectk Eclectk1@aol.com
Hi all,
Just wanted to let you know that I've started a list for those of us with cushinoid horses, or those who suspect thyroid problems (which are virtually all cushings, not primary thyroid, apparently). Cushing is generally found in older horses tho it has been diagnosed as young as 10. Symptoms can be quite varied, but if you have an older horse who gets a few of the followoing symptoms, be VERY suspicious and check it out... patchy fat, often first seen as a very cresty neck, but may be also around the dock and behind the elbows, sometimes even while the rest of the horse is thin, a horse that "lives on air," and stays too fat, sheds out several weeks later than most of the other horses, or fails to shed winter coat at all, drinks and urinates excessively (symptom of diabetes, a common secondary effect of cushings), etc. We are up to about 55+ members now, with some great information and resources. Please feel free to join in. You'll find the listing at:
you'll need to subscribe to onelist (very easy and quick, no personal information mandatory other than your email address)
Then search onelist/egroups for "equinecushings" and hit the subscribe button. Hope to see you there, and hope you find it helpful!
Desert Springs Sport Horses
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