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Re: RE: bits/continuation
> Bob Morris wrote:
> >
> > The severity of a bit is conditional depending on the hands of the
rider. A
> > SPADE BIT in the hands of a HORSEMAN is very gentle. The simple SNAFFLE
> > extremely severe in the hands of a KLUTZ RIDER.
> >
> > Again it is the hands not the bit!
Ain't that the truth? Speaking of pet peeves, one of mine is the number of
riders I have seen who unknowingly abuse their horses by bouncing on them
like a sack of potatoes or yanking on the reins or worse, punishing the
horse by sudden strong jerks on the reins to get the horse's attention. Some
people think it is enough to sit on the horse from start to finish while
they should be learning to RIDE the horse. It's one thing not to know and
know you don't know. But it's far worse in my opinion to not know and not
know that you don't know.
Pat Super
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