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Millenium Cup
- To: <ridecamp@endurance.net>
- Subject: Millenium Cup
- From: Leonard.LIESENS@cec.eu.int
- Date: Fri, 28 Jan 2000 17:41:20 +0100
- X400-Content-Type: P2-1988 (22)
- X400-MTS-Identifier: [/PRMD=CEC/ADMD=RTT/C=BE/;0057320015809769000002L292]
- X400-Originator: Leonard.LIESENS@cec.eu.int
- X400-Received: by /PRMD=CEC/ADMD=RTT/C=BE/; Relayed; Fri, 28 Jan 2000 17:41:20 +0100
- X400-Recipients: ridecamp@endurance.net
Hi Ridecampers,
Sorry dear friends, but It was not possible to get connected from the hotel and
I had to go to the federation n Abu Dhabi to exchange Emails. First concerns
were obviously the race.
Concerning this race, we gambled and we lost! C'est la vie_
We were going probably too fast, but it's always easy to say that aferwards!
Orfeo quits after the 4th vetgate at km 142; he was exhausted and ther was for
me no reason to punish him by trying to complete the last 18 kms; In fact, we
did one part of the 3rd loop and the whole 4th loop with Val Kanavy riding a
spanish horse from Sheikh Mohamed; I would say that 2 weeks are not enough in
order to acclimate the horse to the environment and this element has to be taken
in consideration always during the ride; also the deep sand at the first loop
and at the 4th loop were very demanding for our horses.
The winner completed the race at an average speed of 20.46 which must be the
record on this distance;
Most of the european riders didn't well (I mean the ones who tried to go as fast
as possible) : no french riders did complete; Fausto Fiorucci finished at 13th
place and Tarek Taher(riding Java, spanish horse who came with us) achieved the
best result by finishing 7th.
Only 36 riders on 85 taking the start.
More to come
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