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Gambler's Special - April 1 & 2, 2000


Gambler’s Special offers a 65 and a 50 mile ride on Saturday. A No Frills 50 
on Sunday.
BASE CAMP is located in Jean, Nv. Exit 12, off I-15. Go past the Nevada 
Landing Hotel, and go past the Shell gas station, to the transformer. Turn 
RIGHT on the dirt road and follow it to behind the Nevada Landing Hotel.
Head Vet: Barney Fleming D.V.M.
True Grit Award - Same rider and horse to complete LVDR’s three rides. 
    Gambler’s Special I-II      Mt. Charleston Challenge I-II       
Silver State I-II-III

    65 Mile ride, is a 35 mile loop and two 15 mile loops, on Sat.
    50 Mile ride, is a 35 mile loop and a 15 mile loop, on Sat. Full awards 
and dinner.
    50 Mile ride on Sunday, is NO FRILLS, lower entry fee, no awards, no 
    Ride Manager: Fred Toomey (702) 658-2008
    Ride Secretary: Peggie Norton (702) 363-7653
    Pacific Southwest Ride Managers can ride at ½ price. 1 for 1 
    $10.00 early entry discount, entries received 1 week prior to ride date. 
    Pads are advised if your equine is tender in the rocks.
    This is considered a moderate ride. A good ride for a first 50.
    Vetting will start Friday afternoon, til dark.
    Nevada Landing Hotel/Casino and convience store within walking distance.
    Room reservation number: 1-800-628-6682      (Nevada Landing)
    Horse water in camp.
    Junior riders must wear approved Helmets.
    Our Rides are Sponsored by: The Las Vegas Distance Riders Club, Inc.
    Fred & Claire Toomey                    Peggie Norton
    7380 W. Ackerman Ave.               7213 Mocha Drive
    Las Vegas, Nv. 89131                      Las Vegas, Nv. 89128

    (702) 658-2008                      (702) 363-7653
    (702) 658-0191

    E-mail:              E-mail:

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