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Re: RC: Pedigree

Dear Kim
*Pietuszok was out of Taktika (Taki Pan x Krona (by Kann, the French
line used by the Russians. Kann was purchased from France in 1930 along
with 6 mares. THey had good shoulders and were known as "uphill" horses,
i.e. taller at the withers than at their croup. Far from beautiful
(compared to today's Arabians) but strong legs and good conformation).
Taktika was a granddaughter of Star of the Hills, a Crabbet mare with
much inbreeding to Mesaoud and highly prized by the Tersk breeding
program. *Pietuszok had a great racing background himself and was the
sire of Orzel who was US National Champion in Racing and Top 10 English
Pleasure (and I might add one of the foundation sires of racing Arabians
in the US). *Pietuszok's sire was Priboj who was out of Rissalma known
for producing horses of strength and stamina, and by Piolin, a Polish
stallion. Priboj was also the sire of triple crown winner Topol, full
brother to *Pietuszok. During Priboj's 10 years standing at stud at
Tersk, he sired 203 progeny and 48 were retained-- he had a deep
shoulder, arched neck and a prettier head than Piolun. He had more
correctness than his mother and more type than his sire.
In 1939, the German army invaded Poland and 12 of the greatest stallions
and 42 mares were evacuated from the Janov stud to Tersk. One of those
stallions was Ofir who was the sire of the 3 "W" stallions: Wielki
Szlem, Witez II, and Witraz. One of the 42 mares, Makata, was the dam of
Witraz. If you can imagine this: the evacuation was fraught with chaos
and confusion. The 80 or so total stallions. mares, and foals had to
walk the 1000 mile trip; there were no railroad cars available. Several
months after their arrival they had to be evacuated again on a 2000 mile
march into Asia to avoid the Nazi army. Although many of the
Thoroughbred and half-blood horses did not make it to the end of the
journey, NOT ONE ARABIAN died!
Amurath Sahib was Koheilan in type: massive, bony with good
constitutions and proven racing ability. He was the sire of Arax (who
was out of Angara, daughter of Wielki Szlem) who was brought to Russia
in 1958 and used at stud there for 10 years. He was known for his great
length and strength of hindquarters, good legs and huge black eyes. His
only fault would have been a thick throatlatch. He was sire to Nabeg who
was sire of many Russian bred imported to the US, such as *Nariadni, out
of an Aswan daughter. Frequently Tersk would use Aswan to impart that
special flare and fire yet make sure that Arax was in the pedigree to
insure good conformation. Nabeg sired such greats as Ptersk, Pesniar,
Principe, Monokol...the list goes on...
These horses you mentioned I know about because they are in my Russian
bloodlines. I'd have to do some research on the others for you, unless
there is someone out there with Bandola and Trypolis and Ellora? I could
look the pedigree up for you by I do not really know about their history
of what they looked like. Eventually I hope to have pics of the horses
mentioned above on my pedigree research page of the web site.
Someday.....where does the time go????
Hope this helps. I find the history of the Russian Stud fascinating. Any
stud that starts out with horses who had to make a 1000 mile trek and
then a subsequent 2000 mile trek has proved stamina in my book!
Bette Lamore
Whispering Oaks Arabians, Home of TLA Halynov
I've learned that life is like a roll of toilet paper, the closer it
gets to the end, the faster it goes. Smell the roses!

"" wrote:
> Kim Huck
> Just curious if anyone is familiar with the history of the following horses:  Trypolis, Pietuszok, Bandola, Witraz, Amurath Sahib, or Ellora? I was looking at my horse's pedigree and these names appear as some of his great, great grandsires/dams.  Thanks so much, Kim
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