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Fw: 25 new euphemisms for falling off horses
> Thought I'd share this with the gang:
> Of course, it doesn't actually apply to anyone WE know ;)
> Twenty Five New Euphemisms for Falling Off
> 25. Joining Airborne Equitation International (affectionately known as
> 24. I'm in a transitional relationship with my saddle.
> 23. Dirt for Dessert.
> 22. High-fiving a nightcrawler.
> 21. Swan dive (Water Optional).
> 20. Lunching at ouch cafe.
> 19. Spending a little quality time with gravity.
> 18. Needing X-ray's at X.
> 17. Checking your girth...from the bottom.
> 16. Journey To The Center Of Earth.
> 15. Doing the rootin' tootin', grass-scorching, scare-the-spectators,
> girth-bustin', worm-burn' boogie.
> 14. A quick trip to Dirtsville.
> 13. Trolling for paramedics.
> 12. Just seeing if the judge was paying attention.
> 11. A Richter-Scale-5 spot check of footing quality.
> 10. Insufficient flapping.
> 9. Studying impact craters at close range.
> 8. Losing the oxer lottery.
> 7. Spontaneous retrograde.
> 6. Pushing down daisies.
> 5. Turf surfing or dirt diving.
> 4. Incoming!!
> 3. A short step-over four feet south of Hermes, France.
> 2. Vulture baiting.
> And the Number One euphemism for falling off:
> A Farewell to Fine Leather.
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