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SoakedCal endurance riders and other interested parties--

Send your missives of displeasure (via FAX by tommorrow 1st thing, 
please) about this sort of capricious decision-making to:

Mr. Meneses
Department of Regional Planning
Los Angeles County
fax: (213) 626-0434

(got this contact from Barb Thomas/Karin Zontelli.)  You are opposing 
the change of zoning from "RR" to "RRL".

who lives in San Bernardino Co, horses in Riverside Co, but this is 
an important training area and the site of a 30 year old endurance 

>Please call your local representatives and remind them of their duty and of
>the very reason that many of us moved here in the first place, and it wasn't
>to play tennis! I have forwarded this to everyone on my list who has ever
>SEEN a horse, to otehrs who attend the Malibu ride, and also to one of our
>own coucilmembers who has a horse, and finally, to Mr. Zev Yaroslavsky.
>Clearly, thsi needs immediate attention, as it appears that this is some kind
>of an end run around a LARGE majority of homeowners who live here because
>they CAN ride their horses in the park. I wonder how the skiers would like it
>if we kicked them out of Mammoth. Same principle - and I personally cannot
>FATHOM the reason. Please pass this on to everyone you know who ides.
>Sandy Adams

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