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Re: RC: Hitting the Beach at Doe Lake
Welcome to sunny central Florida, home of the swamp loving gators, water
moccasins, and the occasional rattler that likes to swim. The Far Out Forest
ride, otherwise known as Beach Blanket Bingo (what I like about this crowd is
most of you are old enough to know what movie that is and who was in it),
will be the place to be. Can anyone tell me if Val's coming? I'll try and
be on my best behavior if she is.
Bring your camera and don't forget the suntan oil. Also, remember your 9MM
to shoot at any pesky gators or to take out some of those annoying 4-Wheelers
that have turned the trails into the lovely beaches they are today.
I bet y'all I have the tallest horse there. A six pack to anyone's horse who
can stand higher than Dance Line. And no cheating, with those ten inch
heeled shoes.
I swear if this turns out to be another cold ride I'm sleeping in the ladies'
shower room with the hot water running all night long.
cya there,
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