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Re: RC: Re: RE: putting on a ride
>From: "Sandy Bolinger" <bolinger@bigsky.net>
Just trying to figure out a way to slow down the fifties>>>> -----
As an admittedly "slow" rider, I just cringe when I hear this. I've heard
this reasoning used for using a lot of extra rocky, steep trails, those last
minute vet checks, and all sorts of stuff. Yes, I have seen 50's I thought
should slow down, but if they're going fast because they don't care about
their horse, they'll run over the rocks & race the last miles no matter
what. The people you slow down are the ones who are already riding within
their horse's ability. Which brings us to the definition of what is "too
fast". With all the advances we have made in race day nutrition, hydration,
and conditioning and breeding programs specifically for endurance it
shouldn't be any surprise that some horses are capable of faster times than
in the past. (Whether it shortens their career is another issue, but that's
not for me or any ride manager to decide.)
If a horse is really in physical jeopardy during the course of the race, we
need the vets (or somebody) to figure out an objective criteria to evaluate
and remove them from cometition. I believe the CRI is an extremely useful
tool that is unfortunatly underused, or improperly applied.
Nancy Mitts
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