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RE: putting on a ride

I have an extreme bias about vet checks with holds and thing less the 8 to 10 miles from the finish. Especially as close as 2 or 3 miles from the finish. This just sets up a flat out race to the finish in some cases. What is your reason for this vet check, worried about lame horses crossing the finish in front of the public? To my mind this is a set up for trouble. But then it all depends on the mentality of the riders.
Bob Morris
-----Original Message-----
From: Sandy Bolinger []
Sent: Thursday, September 28, 2000 6:45 AM
To: ride
Subject: RC: putting on a ride

It looks like I'm taking the big plunge(AGAIN)...If all goes even almost as planned, I'm going to be putting on a ride next summer..One of the land owners refuses to give permission to come through his ranch so I've had to be REALLY creative with the trails...I'd like some you think twenty miles is too far to go for the first vet check?  (this is the fifty)...also, on the fifty, what do you think about a vet check, with a 30 minute hold, 2 or 3 miles from the finish???  Also---What do you think about having a required CRI, not only during the main vet check but also right before you head back out on the trail??  I know they did that at one of the last vet checks in France(correct me if I'm wrong here, steph)I guess that all the questions for now...("for now" being the operative phrase!)

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