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Spooking & fear questions.

I'm sorry that I am simply not able to personally address 
all the private questions and comments that came to me about 
spooking from this list regarding Shannon Smith's referral 
to the bonding procedure I use as the beginning point in my 
work with problem horses.

I get a LOT of mail anyway and I try to answer as much as I 
can in a manner that reaches the most people.  The volume of 
mail I received from this list on spooking alone has even 
further snowed me under.

I have placed some material on my web site that may give those 
of you who are interested more insight into my concepts of herd 
dyanmics and how they can be used to dramatically lessen, if not 
eliminate, spooking.

If you have further questions or need some individual specific 
help feel free to nag me (that NEVER hurts) and I'll reply as 
soon as I can.

The material begins at

Marv "You can't jump a canyon in two leaps." Walker
Upcoming 2000 Clinics 
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