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Re: RC: Fw: Elderly Horses and Distance

I would be very concerned about taking a baby out on the trail.  Do you pony? 
And how fast are you going?  How old is the baby?  If you are letting the 
baby run free, it can get into trouble any number of ways, including being 
spooked and chased by dogs.  Baby joints are very susceptible to the effects 
of over-exercise.  I would not think it would be a good idea to take a five 
month old on a five mile ride.  Babies need lots of rest.  Also what kind of 
footing?  Rocky? Soft sand?  Might be hard on feet or joints.  I once saw a 
baby being ponied on a trail ride.  It was possibly 2 months old, and they 
went several miles.  The baby got back to camp looking totally exhausted, not 
just tired but that head hanging, eyes sunk look.  I thought at the time that 
it was pretty selfish to take it along.  I rode my mare in the arena (within 
eyesight) from the time the filly was about 3 weeks old, Then when she was 3 
months old, I would take short (1 hour) trail rides with the mare while baby 
ate grain or something.  jeri 

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