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Re: RC: Supracor Saddle Pads

In a message dated 9/26/00 8:28:16 AM Pacific Daylight Time, writes:


tore+cdxk1224ff82bd82+974252744 >>

I borrowed one from a friend and have ordered one from Sue Dyke in Southern 
California.  I think they are great.  My horse had bumps on both sides of his 
withers and I used the supracor pad with a different saddle and continued to 
ride him.  He healed and grew new hair while riding.  A lot of the riders I 
know are using them with a lot of luck.  They are pricy at over $200 but how 
many $80.00 pads do you have lying around that are gathering dust.  I also 
told the Supracor people they should advertise in EN.  They are based in San 
Jose.  I think Donna Snyder Smith recommends them too.  mb

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