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Re: Competitve trail?
You made a good start coming to endurance.net. Start reading EVERYTHING.
Check out the AERC link or go from here to http://www.aerc.org/. Some other
good websites are
http://www.umecra.com/ (I refer folks to this one to specifically read the
differences between comp and endurance rules.)
http://www.shady-acres.com/susan/index.shtml (this is Susan's website...our
resident equine nutrition guru... follow her advice cuz it works!)
www.ker.com is another excellent website with nutrition info
I would also strongly suggest you read through the archives and read
people's ride stories.... they are sure to give you an idea of what our
sport is like. There are inspiring ride stories that range from last place
completions in your local rides to Steph Teeter's finish at the World
Endurance Championships in Compiegne, France this year. There are thrilling
stories with a race to the finish and scary stories (lost horses, falling
down cliffs, etc.)....anything can happen in this sport but the one common
thread you will find among us all here on ridecamp is that we LOVE our
horses and are sorely addicted to endurance riding!! :)
Let me also add before closing that there is also lots of great reading
material out there...my personal favorite is Nancy Loving's book GO THE
DISTANCE (there are many more!) and also the magazine Trail Blazer and if
you join AERC, you also receive Endurance News...Good luck, have fun and
welcome to endurance.
McBain, MI
P.S. Where do you live? That'll help us figure out what region you are in
and who might be nearby to mentor you...
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