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RC: dealing with refusals-how far do you push them?
Every horse reacts to "pressure" differently, especially if you've got
one with lightning reflexes and extreme teleportation skills with a
little "drama queen" thrown in for special effects. I did Robyn's thing
and always got the mare I'm training over the puddle, mud-filled gully
or whatever, but the next time it was like starting all over again. I
found that my mare responded much better if I let her get bored silly
rather than continue to pressure her. Standing still or moving forward
are the only behaviors I will accept. I end up doing a lot of forest
gazing and yes, we've gotten rained on. I wait until she's stood still
for what seems to be forever, then I ask for forward movement (then
demand if I don't get it — I carry a crop, but don't use it for more
than a pop or two). It might only be a step, and that's OK (big praise).
If she backpedals, spins or rears (sometimes all at the same time) we go
right back where we started and stand some more (and stand and stand).
Biting flies can sometimes help your progress. I guess you could say
they add the pressure. :-)
Anyway, for whatever reason, this method works better for this young
mare than continuing to pressure her. I think it's because she hates
standing still combined with a big stubborm streak and a big fight
response. I'm experiencing significant progress where there once was
frustration and despair.
If I point her at an obstacle, she must go over. After more than a year,
I still cannot get her over the two obstacles I pointed her at and let
her get away with refusing.
Good luck!
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