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wet weather riding
Sue Chandler chandler@wcnet.org
If you want to ride in the rain, just plan on doing the 60 mile
CTR ride at Cave Run Lake in Kentucky! It's called the Sheltowee
and last May was the worst! We had thunder and lightening with
downpours for both days. There is one section of trail that I
call the "Amazon" where it doesn't matter what kind of rain gear
you're wearing, I guantee you'll get wet. The wet branches smack
you in the face and you can't see where you're going. You just
duck your head down and trust your horse. We had 2 inches of
water in our "waterproof" boots. It runs down your leg right
inside your boot.
Then we got up the next day, after it rained all night, and did
it all over again!
But, hey, my horse did the best she did all
year at that ride. She was Reserve Champion and we missed
Grand Champion by 1/4 point! I just wore a cheap K-mart rain
coat. I've heard that the Australian Oilskin coats are nice, but
when they get wet they weigh a ton.
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