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Re: RC: choke
At 01:44 PM 9/24/00, neil josephson wrote:
>Any suggestions about feed would be greatly appreciated.
Get some beet pulp and some bermuda grass/alfalfa hay pellets - feed
according to the instructions on the bag, or 2% of body weight per day,
divided into meals. According to Susan G (if I recall correctly) you can
make up to half the feed beet pulp.
Soak this with enough water to cover by about an inch for about an hour
before feeding. Your horse should be fine with this! We have an old fart
gelding with hardly any teeth that has been eating this way for 3/4 year -
he's doing great! Lif
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- References:
- choke
- From: "neil josephson" <nebar@rrt.net>
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