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Quarter Horses
I read your question about quarter horses and it evoked great memories.
Check archives for the stories of Thumper: The Quarter Horse with an
Attitude! I wrote these during my first year in endurance.
I started endurance using my friend Larry's young QH Thumper--yes, I got
teased about that name more than once. Thumper made a great endurance
horse for LD. To this day, he is my wonderful friend and, in fact, I
grab him to chase cows whenever I am going into very rough country and
need a horse I can trust with my life.
Thumper could probably have done 50's but I never tried him beyond 30
miles. He did very well at LD and won and BC'd several races inspite of
I now ride arabs and arab crosses but none have Thumper's great
temperment. Thumper meets me at the mountain ranch gate and gets very
jealous when I grab the arabs and don't take him for a ride.
Joane and the Herd
Price, Utah
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