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Re: Helmets

>I am looking for my first helmet and wonder if I could get some feedback
on what brand people favor and why.  My son has outgrown his and needs a
replacement so I am anxious to hear what people have to say about the
different types.  We trail ride, once and a while ride in an arena to tune
the horses up too.  Thanks for any input!  Julie
Julie -- Go try on a couple different styles since they're made for
different shaped heads.  Lots of people like the Troxels, but they don't
fit my head well.  My head likes the Lexington Lidlocker (round head.)  The
Troxel fits better if you have an oval shaped head.

Sue Brown
Tyee Farm
ARICP Certified Riding Instructor
Recreational Riding and Dressage
Marysville, Wa.

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