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Re; FW To No More Poor Saddle Fit

Lynda Townsend townsend.buggies.sleighs@qc.aibn
Karen:  I think you are asking if the Impression Pad breaths, 
and if there is any heat build up.  The pad is not meant for long
distance riding, it is only to give an impression of how your saddle
fits.  It will show you where you have pressure, or if your
lucky, that your saddle fits, by giving a nice even impression.
You place the pad under your saddle and longe the horse over
some uneven ground, so that the muscles work, longe both
ways.  You can ride in it to test the saddle fit, but I have
found that if the saddles are fitting poorly, that it will
show with just longeing the horse.  Do your saddle up as
if you were planning to ride in it.

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