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Upcoming Director at Large Election
- To: hollyu@netscape.net, luckypup@theriver.com, ruth@timbercrest.com, waters@theriver.com, peteralisa@aol.com, wenzel@cybermesa.com, lwsi@uswest.net, bwsltd@theramp.net, adeleyoumans@yahoo.com, glenn218@yahoo.com
- Subject: Upcoming Director at Large Election
- From: renegade12@juno.com
- Date: Fri, 22 Sep 2000 10:51:28 -0600
- Cc: bsexton@lascruces.com, s_arrowsmith@hotmail.com, rutter@dakotacom.net, easycare@primenet.com, ramey@wvi.com, penny@zianet.com, marilyn.mccoy@usa.net, nastasi@cybermesa.com, ricknlila@aol.com, lancette@juno.com, bobkit@zianet.com, waters@theriver.com, DiCamillo@zianet.com, rkewish@rmi.net, admin@atlaspumping.com, javiersoto@aol.com, endurancevet@zianet.com, krisruben@saber.net, ridecamp@endurance.net
As of today the following people have nominated for the eight
available Director at Large positions. I want to encourage all our
TO VOTE. However, please don't vote for someone based on their "NAME
VALUE". Just because you have heard the name does not mean that person
will represent what you want or expect of AERC. Remember, if a person is
elected based on their name value and is not a productive member of the
AERC Board, then that person is just taking up space and has kept another
better qualified person from sitting on the Board.
Some of the best criteria to qualify the candidates is to know the
following: Do they have at least 1000 Endurance Miles; are they Ride
Managers; are they Ride Vets; do they serve on an AERC Committee; how
long have they been a member of AERC; are they a one-agenda person; will
they be a positive or disruptive force on the Board?
Ask your Regional Directors and/or current Directors at Large about
anyone you are not sure about. This is an important election and it is
your responsibility as an AERC Member to elect the best and most
productive people to represent you on the Board. To anyone who wishes to
ask my opinion on the candidates, please feel free to e'mail or call me.
Randy Eiland
Barney Fleming, DVM
Maggy Price
Jim Baldwin, DVM
Dane Frazier, DVM
Robert Ribley
Sue Grahl
Roger Rittenhouse
Connie Caudill
Robert Morris
Truman Prevatt
Mike Maul
Larry Sudjian
Tinker Hart
Steve Rutter
Doyle Patrick
there will probably be a few more in the next few days.
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