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Riding in the Fog-Light

> familiar mountain trail the fog cover was so dense I lost my sense  of>

That sounds incredible.  I had a great "fog/cloud" experience.  Had to
mark trails in Tellico Plains and it wasn't a day you'd want to haul 2
hours and mark trails, light drizzle, and chilly in the valley.  We rode
to the top of the tallest mountain in the range and hit what's known as
the "Unicoi Gap".  There was a huge front on one side of the mountain,
clouds at about the level of the top of the mountain we were on.  There
at the gap was the only low spot and the clouds were pouring through it
like a waterfall.  The wind was so incredible that we had to shout to
talk to the person next to us.  When we got just above the gap we could
look out over the clouds on the North Carolina side of the mountain and
it looked like you could have walked on them.  Our fingers were too numb
to tie ribbons and the flagging was so brittle it kept breaking, but that
view was worth it all.  Later I saw a film clip in the Man From Snowy
River that showed the clouds pouring through a gap like that, but it was
nothing compared to being there.

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