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not cold, hot!

Dang Carla, you must have tilted the whole weather pattern. Now we have this 
high pressure area coming backwards at us from Texas and one coming from the 
west too. 5:30 this morning I go riding, it's a nice moon, and I figure I'll 
beat all the mountain bikers...they can't possibly ride bikes in the dark 
right?  Wrong!  I step outside in a t-shirt, hmm, don't need a jacket.  By 
6:30 I've come across about six bikes, a bow hunter, a few walkers/hikers 
and a towtruck pulling a car out of a ditch (drunken teenagers on the 
mountain road-good thing I didn't go at 5:00!) By 7:30 I'm sweating, it's 
gonna be a hot one.  No waters in the creeks, and tons of bugs. From the top 
of the mountain, I can see Catalina island, peaking through a layer of smog, 
fifty miles away. By 9:00 I'm home, its getting hot, the neighbors have 
finished riding lessons, and we're washing horses. 10:00 The air conditioner 
is crankin, and we're in bomb shelter mode.  This 114 degree thing is 
getting old. Sylvia, tell me it's cooler up there, for next weeks ride!
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