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Re: RC: what to do with a runaway?
Fell off my stallion when riding alone at a time when I'd been playing around
with"halter" training him --- part of it requires timing a "whoa" so that the
horse stops walking with hind feet placed just so. Horse has to learn to
stop instantly when he hears that "whoa." So when I fell off & he started
walking for home, I yelled in my most authoritative voice, "whoa!!!!" &
darned if he didn't stop dead in his tracks, hind feet placed just so.
He got all the carrots I was carrying (& he knows I carry carrots which may
have helped him decide to stop)!
Don't think it would have worked if something had really spooked him or if
other horses were around, but saved me a bit of a walk.
Good luck finding the lost horse.
Nancy & Tempo (who will whoa for carrots)
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