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Riding at night
I ride at night a lot. I have found through the years that the hour or
so before the sun sets and is truly dark the horses have the hardest time
seeing. Every horse I have ever ridden at that time usually moves slower
and more carefully than in full darkness. Since moving from the country
to the city I have also noticed that the horses move better away from the
streets than along them (no cars or streetlights). I have noticed my
horses will turn their heads slightly to the side when a car approaches
from the front (just like I do to get the headlight glare out of my
eyes), but they don't turn their heads when the car comes up from the
rear. They are definitely more comfortable in the canyons away from all
light. Even under the trees they speed up. I don't know if the glare
from the sun at dusk is the problem or not. I have always been told that
horses see like deer, so they can see at night really well; but I also
assume that during the day if I'm having a hard time with the glare so
are they. Owning the worlds biggest klutz has taught me not to rely upon
her remembering where the ruts in the road are, but I have owned horses
that would never place a foot in a rut if it knew the trail. Perhaps
your fellow is like my mare and needs a little guidance once in awhile.
Practice makes perfect.
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